Keep this alive
Google is deactivating accounts soon that haven't been used so I'm posting here to make sure this doesn't get deleted from not having been used.
Google is deactivating accounts soon that haven't been used so I'm posting here to make sure this doesn't get deleted from not having been used.
And songs.
My daughter is just under 1 year old. Today, I bought them one of those little plastic toddler picnic tables, thinking they were maybe ready for it. The first thing she wants to do is climb right on top of the table, stand up and wave her hands in the air in victory. Sean was sitting nicely on the bench seat till the youngest ever Coyote Ugly climbed up and started doing her little dance. Then he began to think he ought to be up there, too.
We went on our first trip to the zoo today! I bought a zoo membership, and I'm very glad I did. I've been to some very sad depressing zoos, but the San Antonio one is very nice. I mean, I'm sure the animals aren't thrilled to be there, but as zoos go, this one was clean, and they seemed to do a lot to make them comfortable. They're building one of those "African habitats" where the animals will roam around uncaged.
We went on a road trip to Louisiana this weekend. Andrew was in an air show there; we saw parts of it, but my tolerance for wandering around on a sunny, hot flight line is limited. We had some great BBQ and mint iced tea and that's the high point.
Today I'm putting final touches on the copies of my dissertation that will go, tomorrow, via snail mail, to my committee. I have re-inserted the graphics after last week's crash & loss (was it just a week or is it two? I can't remember). It's now, with edits & most of the bibliography added, a total of 213 pages. Cool. It looks very spiffy & big and fancy sitting here on my bar countertop. I plan to take it to the Office Max (or is it a Depot? whatever) to get it spiral bound for my committee's convenience at reading later today. I've got two copies ready, and need two more. My printer is on the verge-- it needs new black ink & a new drum kit. Andrew is planning on getting a new one-- we have a several years old laser color printer which is outdated & falling apart, so buying a new updated one will work better than fixing up the old. But that means I'm hoping that there's enough in it right now to print up the copies I need today so I don't have to put any money in a printer we're getting rid of.