Sunday, February 06, 2005

Goddess in Waiting

She seems to smile
see her teeth there–
waiting for joy.

Trying to catch a photo of her mouth,
her tiny tounge creeps out,
raspberries ready.

She flips, curls into a ball
refusing to be measured properly, illusive.
Straightening comfortably after we move on.
Playful already. Girlchild hiding low.

Change a syllable and she is:
Energy, constant driving movement of the universe.

Try to get a good photo of her heart,
and she holds her hand just so
casts a shadow,
veils those fluttering four chambers.

Her heart is her own, to be revealed in time.
Though not today.

Maia: nurse, mother, goddess of spring.
Woman-to-be, who will
hold in herself the same gift of life as she is now to you.
Daughter of the man
gently cradling the weight of the world on his shoulders.
She hides.
A star to come.

Kaw Feb 05

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