Thursday, December 25, 2003

Leaf Blowers Make Great Household Cleaners

Yes. That is a picture of my husband, cleaning the living room with a leaf blower. He's done it before-- I just never had the digital up and ready for him. See, we have hardwood floors & a black cat. And lots of black furry balls get in corners where the damn swiffer and/or broom takes FOREVER. So, when we're about to have some sort of party (as in Christmas eve festivities which I will NOT give you details about, cause it's just too damn icky; trust me on this you don't wanna know) he sometimes whips out the YARD TOOLS and blows the little catfur tumbleweeds right out into the back yard. I really don't mind. He believes I don't mind because the thinks I'm a man... and that most women would freak out if they came home and found their own little version of Tim Taylor leaf blowing the living room. Hey. I think the corners look nice all shiny & clean and do not mind as long as he doesn't break anything. Is that so wrong?

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