Thursday, September 04, 2003

Spam Sucks

I've changed my email address to try to stop the massive amounts of SPAM I was getting. But now I am not getting hardly anything, so it makes me paranoid that there's something wrong with my email. Can I never be happy?

On another note, I'm teaching four classes this semester. I'm very hectically busy-- about 100 students to remember and learn about and teach and yadda yadda. I'm excited about them-- a couple of the classes have a really great vibe going already (even with minor amounts of interaction) so it should be a fun semester for those folks.

I should work-- I've been doing "teacherly" stuff all morning-- it's time to be student-girl. I'm reading all about Foucault. Ah, so I finally really understand what a darn epistemology is. I have been, gasp, faking it for years. :)

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