Thursday, July 29, 2004

Get Your Barf Bag Out.......Sappy Romance Ahead....

Inspired by a new blogger I just discovered who writes long lists of "things she learned" from her mother & father, I was thinking of a list of things I learned from my husband.  I know.  I know. It's entirely too romantically mushy for print.  Maybe I won't even post it.  But here I go on a quest for enlightenment.

  1. I can be gorgeous and so sexy he can't keep his hands off me at 7 in the morning, even if I have kitten breath and knotted hair.  
  2. It is okay, sometimes, to be-- not rude-- but slightly short with salespeople who do not know anything and are not at all helping you.
  3. Flying in an airplane while sudden "turbulence" bumps and jolts wiggle you back and forth is a nap-worthy event.
  4. Freckles on a man's lips are cute as hell.
  5. If I don't finish the ultimately soul-rending project of getting my dissertation done and my PhD in hand, I will always be mad at me.
  6. (this when I was 21) The slightly older college professor who taught my business section of my honors class was hot.  (And about the same age as the future-hubby). 
  7. I am a genius with computers.  (comparatively speaking)
  8. I am a genius with food.  (with no equivocation).
  9. I actually can gain weight!  I don't have a "lucky" metabolism like I used to always exclaim back when I was a skinny-minnie.
  10. The power of stubbornness.
  11. How you never actually can say "I love you" too many times in one day. 
  12. That I like a man taller than me.  Especially when doing the waltz.  (And yes, I mean the dance.  Not a metaphor for anything else!)
  13. That it is totally okay to buy cut flowers for yourself.  That guys kind of like flowers in the house too.
  14. Casablanca!
  15. That farts can sometimes be totally odorless, but really, really loud.
  16. How to box.
  17. How to jog.  (Still learning this one.  Not really convinced).
  18. That lying in a two-person hammock in the back yard, drinking frozen margaritas while our black cat sniffs grass suspiciously is better than virtually any vacation in the world.
  19. That I could survive on my own in a big city like London, if necessary.
  20. This one is "because" of him:  that I am good at navigating London's "Tube."  Like I was born to it, despite previous public transportation experience being limited mostly to Pensacola's lame bus system.
  21. How to enjoy red wines.  That White Granache is toilet swill.  (It's the only wine I drank when I met him.)
  22. That I don't like Dom Perignon, but am pretty fond of Veuve Cliquot.  And that if you buy a bottle of Veuve and some Godiva chocolates in the duty free shop in Paris before boarding the Chunnel train, everyone else on board in your cheaper coach seats will be envious of your foresight.  And it will be the best champagne and chocolates you've ever ever had.
  23. That I can speak French to shopkeepers on the Left Bank, and they will gush "you would learn it in two weeks!"
  24. That you don't actually need to speak French if you speak Texan loud enough.  (Or else, used to be.  Maybe nowadays it's a little different.)
  25. That cats in different countries follow him around, and he takes cool pictures of them.
  26. To ask to speak to the manager, without getting mad.
  27. That I don't like men to wear cologne.  That I prefer the way clean husband smells oh so much more.  And yet, sometimes, I have to tell him to take a freakin' shower.
  28. That the idea of small versions of him running around calling me "mom" is really appealing.
  29. That even after 13 years, I can sometimes get that "first kiss" buzz when he comes in the room.
  30. That flightsuits smell funny. 
  31. That most people who sell real estate are insane.
  32. How to be a landlord.
  33. That I really ought to want to balance my checkbook.
  34. That I can bench press 60 pounds, five or six times.
  35. That I love to cook for hours, just to see someone's face light up when it's really really tasty.
  36. That he's a terrible liar.  But which is good, cause he just doesn't do it often.
  37. To love Willie Nelson as a God.
  38. That a man can love peace, and want kindness always, but still be prepared to rip someone's head off if necessary to protect the ones he loves.
  39. (Warning:  NC 17!) That my favorite position really is missionary.  Other variations seem like too much showing off.
  40. How to roast one's own coffee from green coffee beans.  That espresso is nectar of the gods.  And 1000 dollars is not too much to pay for an espresso machine if you get a really good crema.
  41. That I cannot watch the movie Forbidden Planet cause Leslie Neilsen in a straight roll is impossible.
  42. It might be really cool to retire by opening a B&B in some tourist city, like maybe New Orleans.
  43. That one can and should shave a man's back if necessary.
  44. That everyone in the world's personality is comparable to a character from Winnie the Pooh:  I, myself, am a Tigger with Owl on the cusp.  He is a Bear, with Rabbity tendencies.  My cat is a Piglet.  It works better than astrology.
  45. That I love the sound of the phone ringing when it's him, calling to say he's coming home.

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