Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Grrr. Arrgh.

This morning many people are giving me the crinkly forehead of doom. I look like a vampire from Buffy (hence the grr argh). Students who want to do last minute impossible things and who will get cranky WITH ME for not being able to miracle them up some internet access in the classroom, lab techs who arrive significantly LATE to their job thus making me WAIT many many minutes to get my own work done before slacking off and blogging, people who want me to give them FREE content for their PAID subscription website "in a few sentences". Growl. What's a line-reducing cream to do? Good thing I have chocolate, frosting covered brownies in my office, and a pint of low-fat milk in the fridge upstairs. Otherwise, I might be ready to rip someone's head off by the end of the day.

But other than all that, it's going well, thank you.

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