Thursday, June 01, 2006

Danger Girl

My daughter is just under 1 year old. Today, I bought them one of those little plastic toddler picnic tables, thinking they were maybe ready for it. The first thing she wants to do is climb right on top of the table, stand up and wave her hands in the air in victory. Sean was sitting nicely on the bench seat till the youngest ever Coyote Ugly climbed up and started doing her little dance. Then he began to think he ought to be up there, too.

It's back to the high chairs, then, where they can be strapped in with a 5 point harness. So the cute yellow & blue table has been retired till they are a little older & I can possibly reason with her to stay seated and save the gymnastics for another place, with padded walls & floor. When she does these things, I tell Andrew "that's YOUR daughter." I wasn't a daredevil but he definitely was. Sigh.

Anyone know the number for that insurance company with the duck? Do they cover babies? :)

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