Sunday, March 05, 2006


Lately I have become a seeker of previously unheard of pleasures.

You didn't know, did you, how much sheer joy one can take at putting away groceries while two babies sleep happily in their cribs, taken "out" by the car ride home.

Or the pleasure at heating up lunch in the microwave while said babies slumber to the sounds of the ocean, provided by their "sleep sheep".

Or even the thrill of contentment that comes while two babies sleep on their floor pallet, having exhausted themselves with play and a slippery, slidery bath and a warm bottle of formula, watching a movie you've seen before and sitting in a rocking chair in the dark, the light of the TV providing the kind of happiness you only got in the past from candlelight dinners.

Hedonism means something entirely different when you're the parent of babies.

*And by you, I mean, anyone who hasn't joined the secret society of tired parents....

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