Monday, February 27, 2006

A Relief

I heard back from my dissertation advisor today about my Buffy chapter. It's such a huge relief. She generally seems very enthusiastic about the chapter. I haven't gotten the part with the specific edits/comments yet, but end-notes, and while those notes do indicate that I do have work to do still (which I knew) they are probably the best comments I've gotten thus far from her on a first draft. There's actually a sense of excitement in the comments from her, as though she was probably thinking "finally, Kim's getting this thing done correctly." So that's cool.

I had told Andrew that this chapter was* in some ways the scariest. I've turned in other chapters, knowing that there was the chance that the committee would reject them and I'd have to start all over. But since this one felt like it was working, and it made me feel optimistic, like maybe I can do this thing after all, if she had come back with negative, "wow, this just isn't working" comments, I would have been seriously depressed. So that's why it was so scary, cause in the past, the chapters that haven't worked have thrown me into a funk that took a while to get out of. And as we all know, I don't have a while to mope.

Anyway. This is just a quick expression of excitement on my part that the work I've done in the past month has been productive. I need to actually get to work on the stuff I have right now.

As you all know, I am a procrastinator (unless you're new here-- the blog USED to be called Kim Procrastinates... laying it out there right on the line). I think I always knew that I wouldn't get this damn thing done till the absolute last minute. That's the way I roll, babe. Now that we're ticking down into last-minute-ville, I'm cruising into my best mode. :)

One of my friends, who also took a while to finish her dissertation, recently told me "apparently these things DO get done." I'm beginning to feel that way. And that, my friends, is absolutely thrilling.

*Ugh. My "w" key is sticking, and as I type this, I keep having to go back and correct words with a "W" at the start. Makes for some interesting moments in editing. :)

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