Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Inappropriate Much?

Yesterday, a friend's friend asked me if I would "ghost write" an essay for her, for a class in her community college English course. What she meant is for me to cheat-- to do her research paper for her.

I'm going to have a little talk with the friend who referred this "friend" to me as someone who might help her with her little task. I was really really nice. I actually know the person who runs the English department at the school this girl goes to; I went to grad school with him. It's entirely possible I even know this girl's teacher.

My English teaching, while I may not be doing it right now, is not just a job for me; it's a calling. I believe wholeheartedly in the process of college. I don't think it's just a piece of paper; it's a really important thing to get a real education.

I warned this girl that she could get into real trouble with something like this. I told her to try to write the paper herself, gave her some advice on how to get some help that is legal. But now it'll be incredibly awkward to see her.

I'm a wee bit annoyed. It's sort of like asking a cop to buy you a dime bag of pot. Are you really serious? You really and truly want me to literally write your paper for you? It doesn't matter that I probably could write it in about an hour. (This paper is for a community college freshman comp class. I could probably do it in thirty minutes.) :) It's RIDICULOUS!!! I'm insulted, and she's lucky I don't contact the folks I went to school with and warn them they have a paper shopper out there.

Anyway. Sorry for the lack of posts. I have had a little bit of free time lately but also important obligations in addition to the babies. We were even in Shreveport this weekend when the escaped con got busted there. Funny! Now to get work done.

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