Wednesday, October 26, 2005


So I've not been posting much at all lately. If there were brain to blog function, I would have posted a number of entries. I've thought of things to say, but not been able to get to the computer... and then I forget what I meant to say. I do like posting big events to the blog. The other day Sean caught up with Maia on the "rolling over" front... I thought about posting it, and just didn't make it here.

I did get a lovely letter from my graduate program. I had been thinking that I had another two years till my "hard" deadline for getting my dissertation done. This letter told me that, no, in fact, I need to be done by this coming September. Yay! So the world's biggest procrastinator has a firm deadline now. What every procrastinator really needs to get their work done is a last chance scenario. Do it now, or else. Well, that's this! The deadline doesn't mean all my work would be lost, but I would have to re-take my preliminary exam, which I seriously do NOT want to do. So to get it on. :)

Time to go. Maia's nap appears to be ending. :)

Wait'll you see the babies' Halloween costumes. They're going to be Thing 1 & Thing 2. I just did the outfits, and their blue hair hats are ready thanks to a friend who can crochet. They tried them on this morning and I'm very content.

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