Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Day's Work

Did you know that Spike TV has about 6 hours of Star Trek on every weekday? Yup. The babies love it.

Yesterday, we were out of milk. Well, cow's milk. I have literally an entire freezer full of stored breast milk. I said to Andrew we were out, and then jokingly said "well, we do have lots of breast milk....." We both laughed "tempting, huh?"

Not really. It would be a little creepy/gross. But it was a funny moment.

I've asked other people who breastfed if they tasted their breastmilk, and they said "no." Well I think they lied, and I'll admit to trying some. I was curious! It tastes like very thin skim milk that's been sweetened. Anyway. It would make a heck of a latte. Starbucks is missing out on a potential market. :)

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