Monday, July 04, 2005

WKAW: Radio Free Kim @ Your Internet

Johnny, hearing all the sirens: It's the phone company. They know what I did here today.
Venus: What are you talking about?
Johnny: They're coming to get me, man!
Venus: That's paranoia, man!
Johnny: Wake up, sucker, this is the phone company we're talking about! They see everything, they know everything, they got their own covert police force! I'm probably wired
for sound right now! I gotta get out of here!
Venus: Johnny!
Johnny: Don't use my name!! . . . Johnny, running past: You didn't see me, you didn't see me! Everyone runs after him. They find him in the bullpen trying to hide behind the sofa.
Johnny: Hide me, hide me! Travis, I'll play the Carpenters, I'll play Barry Manilow, just hide me!!

From WKRP in Cincinnati, Episode "An Explosive Affair" (2 parts)

I'm listening to my personal radio station on Yahoo's "Launch" a lot this last week...the laptop is next to where I sit nursing the babies, & I have it playing "my station"-- which I've had free, & been editing for several years. It's not completely my stuff-- since I get the free version, the Launchcast folks add "suggestions" to my own "rated" music. But for the most part, it's pretty good. I like it better than making a CD mix, or the things that you put on your own computer or CD cause it IS random and does add new stuff, things you haven't heard before, so it's more fresh. I get tired of the same mix, even if it was my favorite ever a week ago, so I like this thingy. The free version does have an occasional commercial-- but they're far less obnoxious than anywhere I've seen (including NPR!)

Anyway. This isn't meant to be an ad for these folks, but to say if you stop by, you can even play my personal station! Maybe hearing the diversity in my music tastes will be fun for completely random moments of voyeurism. :)

(Can you tell I have it more together today? Both babies have just been fed-- "double fisted" (as they say) and now I have a whole other three hours ahead of me before they have to eat again! Nap? Read? What to do,what to do!!

Although I know someone will say I have terrible taste in music (buncha music snobs) I would like to invite you to pop in sometime. Me & Dr. Johnny Fever of WKRP fame will be hanging out here, paranoid that the phone police are coming any minute now. (Trailing the Library Police, who have a lot more to be mad at me about than the Phone cops do!)

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