Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Taking a Break

Okay guys. I just don't know if I can do this at all for a few weeks. I have seriously bad pregnancy-related carpal tunnel, making typing with fingers both numb and tingly at the same time very weird, and I have very little free time that shouldn't really be spent napping.

I just sat down and wrote about three sentences of a blog post I've been considering about writing and the difference between women & men and how pregnancy & motherhood possibly compromised the time we have to spend in such a solitary, somewhat narcissistic behavior--very scholarly it was going to be--you would have loved it! :) and the carpal tunnel wrist brace on my left hand (I took the right one off) somehow managed to highlight and then quickly delete the entire paragraph I had just written. Way before I had gotten to the periodic "copy to clipboard and save" phase of the work.

Add that to a day where my father-in-law pissed me off to the point that I understood Oedipus' patricide, a computer document that for about ten minutes decided to display in such a way that it made an entire page of my need it now document disappear and me to consider all that work needing to be redone-- NOW-- and you get me staring at a computer that I am not fond of right now. So I think that there will be not much blogging for a while. I'm giving myself permission to not feel bad about it, and I hope that those of you who lurk, who have been with me for a while, don't give up on me during this time. I really enjoy blogging, all the social interaction it includes, and I like seeing the people who show up here all the time being HERE. This may, of course, change tomorrow. But maybe not. I have a lot to say, still-- I wanted to write about the fourth of July losing its meaning (which I claim is defiance, not rednecks and beer coolers & the famous frequently quoted Dazed & Confused bit about taxes). I had other topics boiling around. But right now, I need to go eat some ice cream and relax before the onset of night time, when the babies suddenly get much more awake than they were all day and mommy gets sleepier. Darn little night owls.

I'm still reading your blogs. Every morning at the 2 am ish feeding, I scroll with my right hand through the links in blogroll to read what you guys've got for me. Since left hand is busy holding babies, I don't make comments unless I can do it later, but I'm still reading.

Don't you guys give up on me yet. I was going to ask a couple of people if they'd like to guest blog, but usually when I'm into a blog, I don't really want to read some other writers' guest blogging. I am there for the original author's unique perspective, not just to read. But maybe my guest blogger Nissa would enjoy it... I know you guys gave her heck about the "red carpet" analogy (I get both sides on that one, actually) so maybe she's gunshy... but she did a great job.

Anyway. The complaint about losing the post has now led to a longer post than I intended, so I might as well just go eat my ice cream. :)

In the words of Ah-nold, I'll be back. (maybe soon, maybe later.)

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