Friday, June 03, 2005

Seen in Borders Parking Lot

When I was in high school, there was this guy who drove an old hearse, you know, like the chick in Six Feet Under. It still had the curtains & everything, although it was painted blue instead of black. But he didn't have the right attitude about it-- it was "just a car".... and I got the distinct feeling he didn't really live the experience.

But yesterday afternoon, stopping in to Borders for a new read, I spotted a delightful vision in hearse-ness. Recycling, you might say. I got a heck of a belly laugh, and with a belly this size, you know that is saying something. (I love it when you see something and you say to yourself "I can't wait to blog about that!")

This hearse was still quite black, shiny. It was an older model, with the more square lines than the modern ones. But it was so perfect.

It had a sun-screen (one of those cardboard foldy ones) in the window from A Nightmare on Elm Street featuring Freddy Kruger. Freddy stared out boldly from the front window, beknived fingers waggling at you. They parked with the "butt in" so that you couldn't possibly miss the gloriousness of the window screen. All the windows, actually, were closed with something so you would have had to get awfully close to peek in (which I wasn't about to do!) The vanity license plate said, I swear to all that is holy, "UNDEAD."

I give them major major points for being funny, creative, etc. I thought briefly about writing a little "way to go; your car is way cool" note on a sticky post it and putting it on their window, just to let them know they were noticed, and appreciated. But what if there really was a vampire in there, cooling it during the daylight hours in the Borders parking lot? I wasn't taking any risks.

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