Thursday, June 23, 2005


MMMMM. I love to bake. Even as hugely preggie as I am, and with the carpal tunnel, I like to throw some flour and stuff together for some baked goods. I like to have cookies, or scones, or something, with my decaf lattes. Last week I baked chocolate chip cookies for the women in the non-stress test clinic I have to go to twice a week, as a thank you for their hard work & patience. My doctor heard about them the other day and said "hey, we didn't get any cookies!" So of course, now I have to make my doctor something yummy. Can't have the people who are actually going to deliver the babies feeling slighted.

So this morning, I've made Chocolate Chip Banana Scones to take in to my appointment later. The doctor & his staff will share about 20 scones. This is a great recipe, and if you're a baker, you ought to try it. It does help a whole lot on the coolness factor to get a scone pan, but you don't have to have one. I LOVE my scone pan, and you can use it for cornbread too. It's probably only practical at this price if you make scones or cornbread a lot, but it works great-- with some "flour" Pam, the scones just fall out, in perfect professional looking scones. But you don't have to have one; you can, instead, have natural little triangle shapes.

So off to the doctor's again for my 2 hour preparation for surgery Monday. I took a breastfeeding class yesterday, and am all prepared for that (as much as you ever are before you have actual babies to feed.) I can't believe it's only four more days! I'm very happy to have a deadline ahead, too, cause boy am I tired of being this big.

Anyways. That's my day. Hope yours is great too.

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