Tuesday, June 07, 2005

About 13 pounds of baby!

Had a doctor's appt this morning-- everything is going well. They measured the babies with the sonogram measurements that tell you approximately what they weigh. Maia is weighing in at 5 pounds 9 oz and Sean is a whopping 6 pounds 12 oz. So that's a lot of baby! They're basically about the size of a singleton pregnancy, really, when you think about it!! Amazing. I won't share with you how much I weighed. I pretend those numbers apply to something other than my weight. Like perhaps my IQ. :) Suffice to say I am squarely in SUPER genius range if that IQ/weight thing were actually interchangeable. (Don't I wish!).

I also had what they call a "non-stress" test, where they monitor the babies' heartrates and look for some markers of distress. I get these twice a week now. They also monitor me for contractions. Well, today was the first time I've had a contraction that registered on the tape while on the machine. I've had that sensation mildly before, but this time it was "official." So I've had my first "official" contraction. Exciting, huh? So now I know for sure that "that feeling" is a contraction. I had thought so, but never have had one when I was being monitored before. As long as they wait till at least this Saturday, I'll be happy-- Andrew will be home late Friday night, and this is the last time he goes away till way after they'll be here. I sort of need him around to drive me, you know?! :)

Anyway, now it's time for a post-lunch, post-doctor's appointment nap. I always need one cause it's pretty tiring driving way out to the hospital and back and I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.

So no riveting, interesting post today. It happens. I never claimed to be Hemingway or anything. Can you imagine what Hemingway would have written about if he were pregnant? Might have done him some good in the long run.

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