Sunday, May 29, 2005

Okay, Grumpies Over

That was a grumpy post yesterday. I didn't really mean it to seem as grumpy as it did. I could tell this morning how grumpy it was cause it made my sister call... not that she doesn't otherwise call, but she wanted to check on me since that was a little out of character.

I'm not really THAT upset about it; if any of my friends have speculated, I'm not mad or anything. I just was venting. I'm over it mostly. I still don't want them to come early, or anything, but I'm not sitting here plotting my nefarious revenge or something. I mean, it's hard not to be a little bit grumpy when your feet have gotten to be almost as wide as they are long. (That's a bit of exagerration, but I have normally squatty short feet, and they are swollen a whole lot right now. It's amazing!!)

This weekend is filled with sitting at the computer working on Andrew's scheme 'o the moment. I'm doing a new website design, learning Macromedia Dreamweaver & CSS. I've been doing webpages for years but with simple HTML and a program called Adobe Page Mill.... so it's new stuff applied to old layers of stuff. You'll all eventually see it. And probably some of it will make its way to the blog, perhaps even with a cool new design layout. I'm getting a little tired of the one I have now, so that could happen.

Anyways. Off to the salt mines.

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