Bake Sale, Snake-- Etc.
It went splendidly. All my individually wrapped products sold out, and made a good deal of money. We also made homemade lemonade (this recipe is excellent if you like lemonade not too sweet or too sour). The whole cakes didn't sell by the time I left there, but the "hosts" of the garage sale can have them if they didn't make it by the time they closed up shop. I got tired and needed to come home for a nap about an hour before the sale was officially over.
I got my very first mother's day card from my sister-in-law, and she actually found a twin card. Very clever! I'll put it in the baby book. Yes, some folks are saying Happy Mother's Day, some have labeled me a "mother-elect". Considering how much heartburn they give me, I think I qualify as a mom now. :)
OOH! We had a "Texas Rat Snake*" in our trees in the back yard earlier! The cat came running in, a bit freaked out, and then we heard two blue jays kicking up quite a ruckus. We looked and saw the pretty Cardinal that lives a few yards away, and a couple of finches all "aflutter" too. So I figured there was either another more hunterly cat out there, or a snake. Sure enough-- 3 feet long,ish, and curled up looked a bit out of sorts with the bird attacks. I don't blame the birds-- they were trying to protect their nests. But I would way rather have a rat snake in the yard than the six rats we spotted along the fence line on my baby shower night, so I was torn. What to do? I didn't want to kill it, but I didn't really want it around. Called wildlife rescue, but it's a no rescue. I thought my mother in law, who digs things like that, might want to catch it and keep it, but no. So the problem was eventually "solved" cause he disappeared into the brush. But now I'm a bit creeped out by the idea of "clumsy snakes in trees." They aren't at all poisonous, so no real threat to anyone but the birds & rats, but I still don't want one falling on me when I'm lying in my hammock.
That was our big excitement for the day. :)
Tomorrow's plans: rest, rest, and more rest. Then dinner.
*And our visitor looked JUST LIKE the one in the picture. When I first saw the diamondback-y pattern, I was a bit freaked, but I don't think rattlesnakes climb trees.
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