Is it Naptime Already?
Up at 7 am. I hate alarm clocks. Really a lot. Even if I got plenty of sleep last night, the alarm clock is an evil sound. (And I know there are those of you who have to get up earlier, but you also have the added perk of a paycheck, and a bank account that is not less than a hundred bucks right now* and no evil dissertation looming over your head constantly.)
So we had breakfast, (biscuits and gravy....mmmmmm), I did laundry, and I edited a bunch of my chapter three pages and am printing them out, and now, what I want more than anything, is to go lie down on the bed with the cat and sleep again for a little while. Sleepy sleepy.
Maybe just a short catnap. Meow.
*Andrew's account is, thankfully, more than that. I'm a kept woman.
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