We're renting out our newly purchased house and to save myself a lot of hassle, I put the price & size on the outgoing message of the phone number the interested potential renters call. So far, everyone who has called has found that the price is out of their range-- I don't know what they expected of a really nice place in a really nice neighborhood, but people are kind of weird.
But anyway, because of the message, which I did to save me having to talk to and waste my time on a lot of calls with people who weren't interested in the place at a reasonable price, I've been screening any call which does not look familiar. That way, they get the voice message and I don't have to repeat for the -nth time the price & dimensions.
Just a short while ago, I got two calls from the same number, shortly after each other. It was a bit annoying, I thought "Dude, just listen to the message and leave your number if you want more info!" When I checked messages there was one.
It sounds eerily, creepily, almost exactly like that buzzing/clicking noise the aliens in that Shyamalan movie Signs* made on the baby monitor thing.
Seriously. Are we being invaded? If so, I totally do NOT have the house for it. Too much window space on the sliding glass door, hard to board up and hide in a closet. I'm a little creeped out. I may have to go get some ice cream to make myself feel better.
*which, by the way, I kind of liked right up until the very end of the movie where they totally made the "change of faith" Gibson's character had so obvious. I would have liked it much much better if they'd have ended with the scene where the kid gets better & they're all in the yard. The last scene was such a lame-o too obvious dumbed-down "maybe everyone didn't get it" add on. IMHO.
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