Thursday, January 27, 2005

Rainy Day

This morning, I slept late because with the rain, the sun did not come poking into my window, shaking my shoulder and saying "rise and shine sleepyhead. The day's wasting". The cat, also lulled into complacency by said rainy gray day, did not whine for her breakfast, and actually stretched, yawned, and lay with half-closed eyes while I performed my morning ablutions. Said rain has me feeling very lazy, very procrastinate-y.

I hate to admit that because, with Andrew in Guam complete with an internet connection and my beloved laptop, he is reading the blog regularly (Hello my sweet Poohbala). He'll say "see, I knew she couldn't be good and work on the dissertation three whole days in a row without me there to hover." To which I'd respond "no, really. I'm going to Starbuck's in a little while to drink tea and get away from the home distractions." Going to the corporate whoreshop where I can get a passably good hot chocolate but not nearly as good a one as I can have at home gives me a good reason (beyond BO--and no, I don't really need a reason past that, but it makes for a good parenthetical) to take a shower and get out of the house away from the evil corrupting influence that is TLC.

Thursday. Rainy. A little on the cold side. Blah. And that stupid song is still stuck in my head.

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