Monday, November 15, 2004

Monday morning

Blech! Even for those of us who don't have to go to a special building to work, Mondays suck. My printer isn't working, Andrew didn't make me my decaf latte this morning, and I've had too much work to do already. Complaints abound. But all in all it's okay, I reckon.

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. It's harder to write on weekends and think of something good to say. It was a very rainy, cold day* and we spent most of it on couches watching movies and/or getting ready to eat good stuff. The fireplace was going, and the faux-snow-leopard blankie was dragged out of the living room to make me snuggly warm on my couch. We watched Star Wars, since the collector's edition was one of the presents I got for my birthday. I add my voice to the lamenters that the last few haven't been as good as the first, but at the same time, if you haven't watched the first one in a while, you know, it does sort of drag there at the beginning. Maybe that was stuff Lucas added to the new release-- I dunno.

I dreamt all last night about zombies from Dawn of the Dead. Dammit, I regret watching that movie! It's not that it scared me, or that the dreams are terrifying, but my brain wants to pick over the details. I realize that it's an unrealistic scenario, but my mind wants to say "oh, here is a detail that is implausible". And by that I mean within the world the movie makes happen here is something that just doesn't work. Plus, it's a creepy movie.

And just now, as I was writing that bit about zombies, a little brown squirrel poked its head down the fence by my window, which is just out of peripheral vision, and scared the daylights out of me. I think that when I start jumping at zombie squirrels, it's probably time to quit.

*And I realize that our definition in Texas of cold is wimpy compared to you folks up north of the Mason-Dixon, but it was still cold.

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