Eyes Up, Please
Yesterday's dinner went very well. Smashingly. My turkey cooked to perfection (I use one of those bags for roasting, and then a huge vat of chicken broth in the bag-- it sort of bastes itself). All the side dishes, which I got from Rachel Ray, were yummy with a capital YU.
It turned out that all the other "womminfolks" were not in attendance. So it was me and seven "men." The funny part is that the youngest nephew, who I guess is now 11, was sitting next to me. All of the nephews are quite the handful-- they've been known as screaming banshee types since practically birth. They were pretty well-behaved yesterday. Except, the 11 year old has apparently moved into the area where he's started to notice boobs.
In between discussion of his favorite "first person shooter" computer games (I think they have an XBox for those who know the difference) his eyes would do that nervous flicker thing that young men who have no clue do. Up for a second at my face, then down at my chest area. It wasn't so obvious as to make me say something, or really need to cover up. But it was a bit noticeable. I'm sure he has no clue that women know what the eye flicker is all about. Yet. He'll get a smack one of these days, I'm sure. Dude. I'm your AUNT. I mean, not by blood or anything but come on.
You can't really blame the poor kid though. With the pregnancy hormones raging, the girls are presenting quite a nice package at this point. Since I still don't look really pregnant in many other ways, I get a boob job that gives me quite a good bit of cleavage. So he was, poor thing, helpless to resist.
But it was still a bit on the creepy side. Important lesson. Boys, look your older relatives (even the hot ones like me!) in the eyes. Pretend they're the same as your mom. Cause otherwise, it gives them a strong urge to smack the crap out of you.
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