Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Invitations: Check

I just sent out invitations to my 7th annual Hallowe'en party. What?! You're saying, as you check the date.... why, it's a lonnnng time till then! Are you insane?

No. I have to send them out early for several reasons.

1. People who have never thought about a Hallowe'en costume need time to debate. Then to search E-bay for the proper costume. Then to order it.
2. I have to get the jump on ALL OTHER PARTIES. I am the first person to invite you. So you now have a prior engagement. My party will be the coolest one anyway.
3. I am obsessive compulsive about the issue. We won't discuss this one.
4. 26 (really, 25 cause it's so late now today doesn't really count) days are going to FLY by. What with the whole political debates and Brittney Spears getting hitched and whatnot.
5. Did I mention OCD? Oh yeah. In item 3.
6. I like E-vite. It's cool. I can see who checked the invitation out first. Kenny wins.
7. I am bored and was playing on the computer while Andrew watched the debate. Urgh.
8 . I forget what eight was for.
9. Nine for a lost God.
10. Ten. Ten. Ten is for everything everything everything.

OOps. Descended into Violent Femmes. It happens now and then.

So. If you live in Texas, and I know this about you already, you got an invitation already. Don't freak out and think "Oh my god has this blog friendship gotten too too creepy?!?!" I promise; the party will be so big that if I scare you or something you can just drink my free liquor and avoid me. But any scaring will hopefully be of the fun Hallowe'en sort and not the restraining order sort. At least on my part. I can't guarantee anything about my friends. THEY are freaks. :)

If you DON'T live in Texas, but want an invite ANYWAY, say so in the comments and include your email addy. I'll send you one. And not just as a "hah! I have invited guests in other countries" sort of oneupmanship but as a sincere invitation that if for some reason you find yourself down here come Hallowe'en you're welcome to come. We have spare beds, and blow up mattresses, and couches. And a very nice hammock. Some things will have been claimed early, but you're still invited.

I'm so thrilled. Hallowe'en is for me what any other holiday of the lamer, not so Goth and cool, sort, is for other people. Wait till you see the theme cake. (oops. there. I've said too much).

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