Saturday, August 14, 2004

Blog Dreams & Indian Justice

You know, I have great ideas for blog entries when I'm in that twilight zone between really being asleep and really being awake. "Oh, yeah" I think. "That'll be interesting, and I can write it like this or that, and I'll definitely remember such a good idea when I sit down at the computer tomorrow."

Sure. It always comes back to me.

I really think about you folks all the time, you know. But then, the cat wakes us up demanding her breakfast, and there's french toast with fresh blueberries to be made (and two entire slices of bacon each!) And by the time I have time to come in here and chase the husband off of the computer where he's looking at barstools for the new bar, I have totally forgotten that cool idea for a blog entry that I had this morning. So you get stuck with yet another lame attempt to write every day.

But, I did surf an interesting women's website this morning and found this news story about a crowd of women & children who burst into an Indian court where a man was being tried for rape and they killed him. They then escaped the court. The news story didn't say whether they were pursuing finding out who the crowd consisted of. Interesting news! I suppose these women & children did not believe that they were going to get justice from the courts, and took it into their own hands. The man was "facing 24 counts of molestation and rape " and there were only 14 people in the crowd who killed him. Where, I wonder, were the other ten? Maybe they were in the crowd outside keeping the police busy.

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