Saturday, July 17, 2004

Remembering The Cat Ate My Gymsuit

Oh!  I just read on another blog that Paula Danziger died last week!!  She was one of my favorite writers when I was a teen, and she apparently died very suddenly.  This makes me very sad.  It's much  more important to post a link about this writer than to fish for pointless blog hits by mentioning that tennis chick in the last post.  I feel sad now.  No wonder I'm in a goth mood today!  Books by Danziger that made my pre-teen life happier:
The Cat Ate My Gymsuit
There's a Bat in Bunk Five
The Pistachio Prescription
Can You Sue Your Parents for Malpractice?
I can't say which of them were my absolute favorites. I also seem to remember reading more books by her, but they weren't listed on Amazon. Probably they are all out of print, because after all, I'm very old, and was a pre-teen ages and ages ago. But if you never read anything by her, and/or if you have a pre-teen girl who likes to read, get something by her. They're funny, without being smart alecky in a negative way, they have very interesting female protagonists, and the situations are often some that kids actually are going through.

I can't speak for her more recent work since I haven't read anything by her in a couple of years (cough. cough) but I really do recommend her stuff. And pass a sad moment of remembering a writer that meant a lot to a young girl who didn't have much in the way of good things in her life, and who read these books voraciously.

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