Friday, July 23, 2004

Editing Shmediting & The Pen/Sword of Patriarchy

First off, where do you think the practice of adding "schm" to something to make fun of it comes from? I dunno. I'll bet somewhere there's a website that explains it, but I'm not going to look it up right now. Lazy? Yes. It's in the blog title, after all. (Well, procrastination is a form of laziness).

But second, I edited my intro chapter a bunch just now and I have a crick in my neck to prove it. I went through the suggestions from my committee chair and clarified more, and fiddled and faddled. I now have a ton of typing changes to do. That takes a certain kind of patience in a 40 something page document, so I predict it will not happen today. But still, good work done on the chapter. I am hoping that the changes I have made make my chair happy. Please Goddess! (I should talk to Hecate about this probably, since she's often been seen as a witch goddess.)

I used the word "Patriarchy" a lot today. I generally try to avoid blaming all the evils of the world on men and/or patriarchy, but in a feminist dissertation, it's pretty hard to avoid. The places where I added it, I had sort of been wishy-washily implying the word, but that just didn't wash with my advisor. I must bang the drum of academic feminism and use words like "epistemology" and "patriarchy" and maybe even phallogocentrism*. Yes. That's a word. Look it up. I have a sore neck and can't be bothered to find a link. (I would have said a stiff neck, but that would just be funny, from the perspective of the word I just used.)

*I was hoping spell-check would have an interesting suggestion for replacing this word. It did not. It was just a blank "hey, this word is wrong" pop up. Sad for me to know things that are pointless in most conversational arenas. :)

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