Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Why I HATE Spammers

When I was a little kid, and I would say "I hate Susie, she's mean" my mom would always say "you don't hate anyone...you strongly dislike her". For some reason, the word "hate" was something my mom didn't want me to use. I don't really know what the main difference between "strongly dislike" and "hate" is other than PC-ness (really, you were ahead of your time, ma) but still.

So on that end, I have to say I'm rebelling. I totally HATE people who intentionally spam, who intentionally create email programs that create SPAM, who create viruses who also create spam.

You may be asking yourself:
"Self, why is it that Kim is so adamant about her hatred for these misguided people?"
And I would answer
Because I just spent SEVERAL HOURS of my precious life trying to
1. delete the 1000s of pieces of spam I had in an email account for my women writers website (which has finally gone "live" with the new summer version, by the way)
2. revise said site, which has over 600 pages, with a javascript email contact thingy so that those damn spammers can't find the new non-spam-friendly address, but which real people can use to contact me, which I am about to change to avoid future downloads of 1000s (literally!!!) of spam about my penis size, or diet pills, or "URGENT" or "IMPORTANT".

Hate is not strong enough of a word, really. Sorry Mom.

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