Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Laptop Update

I have convinced the hubby that I need a new laptop. Huzzah! This weekend, I actually FOUND an internet cafe in Shreveport (it's new! and fun! I like it alot). But my OLD decrepit laptop would not work there-- the wireless access card just couldn't be configured, and the tech support I TRIED to call pissed me off so that I returned the product bright and early the next day.

Here's a tip to tech support companies: if a person is using a product that is the way they get online, and you do not have a backup plan other than "you can't get tech support till you register your product" and so that if the product is NOT FREAKIN' working (the reason one would be calling tech support in the first place) and said customer can't get online to "register online," then what you're saying is that you don't want MY business at least. (Rant finished. Thank you. I'll be here all week!)

Anyway. I'm looking at a sweeeeeeeeet little Dell laptop that weighs in at about 5 pounds, has integrated wireless internet, a FREE DVD player/CD Burner upgrade, bunches of memory & hard drive & stuff. It also, and this is the coolest part, has the ability to put pretty color plastic thingys on it so that your laptop is CUSTOMIZED(as seen there to the left). Mine will be lava red, cause red is my FAVORITE color. I do think all those technical details are important-- RAM, and graphics card, and what OS the computer have. Yadda Yadda. But it's RED!!! That's much more important. Like Fernando on SNL (played by Billy Crystal) once said, "It is better to look good than feel good. And my darling. You. Look. Marvelous."

Finally, I am currently working on my Buffy the Vampire Slayer chapter of the dissertation. It's slow going, in some ways, cause I decided over the weekend that I really needed to expand the discussion to all the major, recurring female characters (at least a little bit) because they all display a form of popular feminism. This includes the vampires, and Glory, the evil god of season five. Re-watching the episodes makes me miss the show a whole, whole bunch. There's just nothing that can possibly compare to the witty, smartness of Buffy. If you weren't a fan while it was on, you should catch it on FX sometime. I had thought at one time that it was a silly "teen" show-- which it definitely was not. (Silly, nor just "teen" oriented). Sigh. But at least I have the DVDs. I need to go get the sixth season which just came out. I Heart Buffy!!

But I am working, and working hard. So, in the truest spirit of procrastinating, "official" procrastination is being put off for now. :) It's a novel concept-- once you turn procrastination into work, you can only escape it and procrastinate by actually working. (Yes. The logic is astounding. Think about it for a sec.)

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