Friday, April 16, 2004

Wal Mart Friday Night

Did you know that the place to be on Friday night is apparently the 24 hour Wal Mart? I had to pop in to get a couple of things for my "bellydancing for old folks" trip tomorrow. I never thought at 10:30 pm on a Friday night there would be lots of kids, old folks, and shoppers galore at Wal Mart. Lots of them were of the "older teen" variety. Perhaps they get their parents to drop them off there? And parental-units think it's safe cause, after all, it is Wal Mart.

It's almost as good as the older slightly portly guy I saw yesterday at Ross Discount store fondling the thong underwear. I kid you not. I was torn between thinking he was sweet cause he was looking to buy his wife some sort of sexy undies and that he was creepy cause he had some sort of fetish. It was probably a cross between the two.

I don't make this stuff up, man. :)

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