Wednesday, March 31, 2004


*What Would Buffy Do?

I just did a kickboxing workout that made me feel like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yeah! It was sort of short, and I didn't get too sweaty-- next time I'll add some jogging too. But I put it off too long today, so I don't have time for the jog. (Well. I would if I weren't going out to socialize..... but still.)

But this workout was a fun kickbox-- and there was something about it. Maybe because the leader of the class looks a tiny bit like Sarah Jessica Parker-- petite, blonde. I am actually still sore from my Monday kickboxing class, so I know tomorrow I'm going to be complaining. I can feel it already in my right arm, and my left leg's hamstrings. (Not too bad, but just a little fatigued). OOOOH Rah! (As the Marines would say).

If you decide you need to get this workout, do the SECOND one. Kick Butt 2. The first one is sort of lame-- with bad cues, and while the boxer who led the class is certainly in good shape, it was a weird workout. But the second was cool.

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