Friday, March 19, 2004

Stuff, Stuff and more Stuff

Did you know that keeping up with a two year old is exhausting? I didn't till my visit here to Phoenix. We've done lots of stuff-- park playing, which included me holding said two year old over my head so she could "do the monkey bars" for much longer than I initially intended. Good thing I've been doing my military presses.

While at the park, there was this guy who is running for office looking for people to sign his petition to get himself on the ballot. Not being from AZ, I wasn't qualified to participate. The man was quite nice, looking around and all he wanted was people to let him on the ballot. A signature wasn't going to get him elected. There was this one chick who asked (as I did too) what party he was with. When he wasn't with the party she apparently supported, she refused to sign his petition. I thought that was just lame. We all need diversity on the ballot-- the more candidates, the better. And the thing is, just because someone is not in your party does NOT mean they don't share your views. For me, for example, I registered my party when I was 18 and didn't actually know the difference between them. Now that I do know the difference, and don't really fit in either party, I stay registered the way I am, although I frequently disagree with some of the things my party does, because I feel there's a certain amount of power I have over the things I don't like this way. I can say "I am a member of X party and I don't like what you did." (No, I'm not telling you which party I'm in. It would spoil the surprise.)

Anyway. Thus the world traveler me learns new things. Parks are hard work. Mommies are sometimes mean to politicians. And the coffee making guy at the Coffee Plantation somewhere in Phoenix looks just like Jordan Catalano. (Extra brownie points for those who know who the heck I mean by that obscure reference.)

More later. Now my slave-driving friend wants me to teach her how to save photos to a CD. Work, work, work.

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