Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Marriage Shmarriage

Find out who your Senator is and write to them about the ridiculousness of the "Marriage Amendement" and urge them to focus on issues that really matter, like the War in Iraq and the economy. I just wrote to my US Senators as well as my state Senators, and my Representative. Write one letter, and then copy & paste the same thing to each one, changing, of course, the names. Most of them have email links and it's quite easy to do this. Carefully compose your letter, and spell check it, and paste it into the form they have on their websites. You can also write to the White House.

I was going to put mine in here for you to see, but I inadvertantly deleted the damn thing before I got here. But it basically reminded them that I am a registered voter (always good to point out) and that I lived in the district they represent. And plan on voting, and remembering the behavior of the lawmakers I send to office at the polling place. So don't threaten, but remind them gently that this is not acceptable-- to distract the public with a "hot topic" social issue, to "wag the dog" and not talk about real issues. I'm sure you know how I feel about gay marriage (or you do if you've read my blog) but it's more than that. It's a seriously frivolous issue-distracting election year tactic to talk about Amending the Constitution to define marriage as between a man and woman. Even if I didn't support gay marriage, I would think this. As I've said before, how about an Amendement saying marriage should be between two members of the same race only? It would have been something a majority agreed with about 50 years ago. So. Now I really should do some work. But I'm so insanely irritated that this is going on right now I just HAD to say something to my elected officials. (Who I am really mad at anyway right now. There's just no pleasing me anyway.)

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