Friday, January 09, 2004

I need to get out more.

Yes, today, on the way back from the 11:00 hot aerobic workout, I found myself laughing and talking to myself because of a sign at the plant nursery down the street. It said "Fruit and Pecan Tree are here." So I was debating-- was it one pecan and one fruit tree? Or a tree that is a miraculous new mix of fruit AND pecan? As I was talking to myself, I realized that this is not exactly normal behavior. I think I need to get out of the house for a while and actually talk to other people. Maybe the cat doesn't count. So today is officially "errand running day." There are eyebrows that need waxing and checks that need depositing. And maybe a trip to Red Robin. mmmmm Red Robin. ::gurgle like Homer Simpson.::

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