Monday, January 05, 2004

Elderly Father-in-Law Pummeled to Death With Carry-On-Luggage

In case you were wondering, it is NOT okay to be a complete hour late picking up someone who has been sitting around all morning in airports and on uncomfortable airline seats. Especially because you just didn't bother to leave to pick them up until you heard from them that the plane had landed, and then you ran out of gas. (Fill the tank up BEFORE you leave, please). Unless of course it's a clever ruse to get them to never ask you for a favor, the old avoiding the "please pick me up at the airport" bit. It's really much nicer to say "no, I can't pick you up" than to just make it a huge pain in the ass for you to be relied upon.

Crazy Irate Airline Passenger Gets His Butt (and Presumably Other Body Parts Too) Arrested

In case you were wondering, if a plane you're supposed to be flying on has a "minor mechanical issue" that keeps it from taking off for hours (really, we'd rather it break on the ground thank you very much Mr. Maintenance-- and that's not sarcasm), it's totally NOT okay to turn into Mr. Hyde and try to rip a flight-attendant and a gate-ticket guy's head off. What will happen when we finally leave the broken airplane to be "Re-routed" is that you, Mr. Mild-appearing Crazy-man will be "Re-routed" to the police station, and get some lovely photos you may or may not choose to share with the grandkids. And maybe some fingerprints. This also goes for the road-rage bristley pitt-bull of a man who did the "sarcastic guy applause" when they announced the first delay. Just because you buy tickets on an airplane does not entitle you to be qualified to demand the plane leave ON TIME when the thing breaks. Things break, Mr. Angrypants. It has happened to me a total of ONCE in many many years of airplane flying, so I figure, they really do have a pretty good record.

And yes. I did have an okay time driving Andrew back to Shreveport & then coming home again. Mostly. You do meet the most interesting blog characters, people, when traveling.

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