Thursday, December 11, 2003

Why Ex-Cute Guys Become Creepy

This morning I was thinking about, for some reason, guys I once dated. (I won't call them boyfriends cause they don't really deserve that title). Not in a "miss them" sort of way, but in a "wow I'm glad that is an EX" sort of way. Partly in relation to a good friend who keeps dating the same evil woman (not really, it just turns out they are all part of the same pod-group-collective of evil women). Because the last one he dated thought the nice things he was doing for her were truly sinister-- that he was manipulating her by being kind and caring. (Wow. She needs therapy.) And I told him, yes, that sometimes something you might do that feels really really romantic if you're "the one," if done by the "wrong guy" can end up being really creepy.

For example (you knew one was coming, right?): I dated this guy that looked a little bit like Dave Navarro from Jane's Addiction for a very short couple of weeks. He seemed pretty fun at first, and exactly like the kind of "won't take anything too seriously" guy I needed at the moment. You know, the one you can date a few times and move on to another guy without really breaking anyone's heart cause he wouldn't get too hooked on you right away cause he's a party guy? After a few dates, I found out that the "casual" drugs he said when we first met that he had used (not used then, but told me about then) were anything BUT the minor ones I had no problem with. He actually had a really serious problem that resulted in jail time. So as I was trying to carefully ease my way out of a relationship (carefully cause he creeped me out so much I thought that if it wasn't careful, he might go crazy & do really really crazy things) with said crazyguy who I worked with, taking his jacket I had borrowed back to his house, he painted "I heart Kim" on his wall with a spraycan of red paint. The creepy part? The heart was pierced with a needle. I kid you not.

So the painting on the wall might be sort of romantic, given a cool wonderful guy who I wasn't at that very moment dumping because of a drug problem. But the needle thing just pushed it so over the "I will talk about this in therapy someday" edge. Don'tchathink?

And right this second, I am freaking out cause my mom will read this blog and go-- "I knew I didn't like that guy."

Well me neither. That's why I married the other one. The non-creepy one.

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