Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Yes! As of now, all I have left to do for the semester is grade essays/final exams and turn in grades! WOOOOO! It's been a long stretch these last few weeks. I like a lot of my students a lot, but the semester itself has sucked! Now I can
1. clean this messy house
2. get started on thinkin' about and writin' about my witches more
3. relax & work out on a regular schedule
4 eat chocolate

Okay. I could have done (and have done) step four already. But I thought it made the list seem better. More important. Chocolatey.

Tangent Time

On the way home from work, I was behind this pickup truck that must park under a tree. In its truck bed were lots of leaves. They would randomly fly out and pelt my wind-shield. Now, after the first pelting of the foliage menace, you would think it wouldn't freak me out again. But no. Every. single. time. the leaves flew out, it startled the heck out of me. Woke my inner reptilian brain which said "run scream danger danger". And when that reptilian brain o' mine gets going, I get a reptilian brain-ache. Right there at the base of my skull, where that little lizardbrain resides. Like a brainfreeze, only worse, cause you also get this unpleasant adrenaline rush, which makes your skin hurt after it's gone. Curse your leafy-danger truck! Normally, leaves scurrying about on the ground is a pleasant thing in my life, seeing as how autumn is officially my FAVORITE season. But no. These were dangerous leaves. Leaves that cause panic.

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