Monday, December 15, 2003


Don't know the reason; I stayed here all season... but there's booze in the blender, and soon it'll render, that frozen concoction that helps me hang on....

The semester is officially O-V-E-R!! I turned in my grade sheets today with only a few minor feelings of guilt and glee over handing out mostly Bs and As and a couple of Cs. And a couple of Fs, but only people who never ever ever came to class. What in the world happens to some students who pay their money, then never come, but never drop either? Oh. I know. They show up two years later asking for me to change their grade (duh! happened this year. yup). There's a blog here about it somewhere.

It is both pizza and margarita night. Usually it's just the first, cause dude, it's like, Monday. But not today! Today is officiall FRI-Ha-Ha-HI-IIIIDAY!

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