Monday, November 10, 2003


Why oh why are other people's blogs so much cooler than mine? I'm having a serious case of blog envy right now. So in that spirit, I'm sitting in the lab where my students are type type typitying away on their manuals, and I am avoiding much important work by blogging my little heart out.

I should probably not talk about students in here. Cause they might find it, and then decide that I'm a mean old witch for talking about them. Well I am a mean old witch (not old, really, just older than them) but it has nothing to do with this blog. Mwah hahahahahahaha ha. (that's my evil mad scientist laugh. Cool, huh?)

Andrew is being anxious again about things like money, careers, job security. I say screw it! I've lived in trailer parks before and I know that given the worst case scenario, I would have the best-lookin' trailer in the park. That's really something to shoot for, right? Okay, now I'm feeling depressed about what I just wrote. But I was just going for a sort of "glass is half full" approach that really isn't working out.

No matter how hard I try, I apparently cannot write the witty self-mocking yet terribly funny way that other people's blogs are written. So I will go for my usual whineyness. It's worked this long.

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