Sunday, November 16, 2003

Two good things and two bad ones about today:

Good things:
1. I'm wearing a new t-shirt that really makes me happy. It's black, with white "handwritten script" lettering that messily says "your lips keep moving but all I hear is "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..." Complete with proper punctuation. Happy sigh.
2. I love Rhapsody's music service! I'm listening to the new Sarah McLaclan album, and yes, it's kinda nice, but no, I don't wanna buy it. What's cool about Rhapsody is that for 10 bucks a month (cheaper than the CD's I might buy wondering-- will I like it? but that radio never lets me in on) I can listen to most songs, then decide without buying a CD which will languish in the CD cabinet in the living room forever. Happy. And so it ultimately saves me money cause I only buy those songs and/or CDs I want.

Bad Things:
(these sort of fall into the TMI category, so if you can't take it, skip)
1. My boobs hurt, for some inexplicable reason. It's not apparently hormonal, but they are sore and my nipps very sensitive, and not in a good way. Most likely it IS hormonal, but in one of those "let's spring it on her after 20 years of thinking she's got this what it means to be female thing down" sort of way. Pffffhhht.
2. also sort of personal and TMI: it's really annoying to have a pimple at the same time as I have crow's feet starting to show up in the corners of my eyes. I know, I know. "They're laugh lines." Baugh! I shake my age-defying moist cloth in defiance and irritation at the world. I know pimples aren't really a sign of youth, especially those that show up around the lip line. But it's just not fair to be old and young at the same time. :- p'

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