Okay. Because my tummy really is upset (I think it was the milk in the coffee at the coffee bar where the DN (dancing nerds) are I'm going to say one more quick thing before I forget it and then go take a nap.
This afternoon on the drive home
the song 867-5309 was playing. Yay!
then that song I don't like by Avril Levigne came on and I caught myself singing to it. Boo!
In Texas at this time of year, you often get these really cool cloud moments. The cloud cover is fairly thick, but it has these bumpy holes here and there. And the sun blasts these spotlights of white sunbeam through the holes and you expect to look over and see the hand of god reaching through or something. There were dozens of these white-hot sunbeams blasting the highway in front of me through mottley grey clouds on the way home. I drove through one of the sunbeams that was strongest. It was one of those nature-highs that I don't think a lot of people notice. And if they do, it's only to put sunglasses on and complain of the glare.
But for me, I say "yay ::insert deity of choice::"!
Now. To nap. Pizza night is officially cancelled due to queasy tummy action. Pfffhhhttt. We will be serving after the nap a nice chicken soup from a can and maybe some sparkly water.
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