Monday, November 10, 2003


Okay, so today I have graded all my students' papers, including their homework grades. They will find out today how much NOT doing their homework affects their overall grade, and I'll have a dozen of them whining about it. What gets to me is that they don't care enough during the regular course of the semester to keep up with their homework & the syllabus & come to class every day, but then suddenly, at the last minute, it's both all my fault because they don't have the points to get an "A" and they "want to know what they can do." I'll tell you what you can do-- go back in time to the beginning of the semester and be an "A" student. Grumble grumble, grouse grouse.

So Andrew is still out of town and I am doing okay-ish about it. Sometimes it's not a big deal at all-- I'm busy, and just go through the day without having to worry about feeling sad or anything. But then, for a few minutes, I just get to missing him and of course, as soon as you try to control that feeling, it gets all balloon-y and you're crying like a doofus. That doesn't happen often, but weirdly enough, after seeing him this weekend and having a great time, it did. Almost as though when I don't see him I feel better about it. But that's happened before-- back when he was in the Navy full time when he'd go away it would be easier if he was just gone, and then came back. It was harder when it was a few days or even weeks at a time.

So the "kids" are starting to trickle in to the lab now. Maybe I'll need to pay attention-- but they are on their own for lab work for most of the class period. I do need to give them their final and stuff. So more later.

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