Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Maybe it's just the glass of Merlot talking

You know, now and then, you (me) think about things. Stuff. Like when Andrew met me, I was barely ready to start college, had just FINALLY dumped the big giant loser high school boyfriend. I was living at home with mom and sister and her kids. Pretty lame in many ways. I mean, I had all these goals-- college, etc, but no real way to think about getting those goals done. It isn't really Andrew, but after I met him, I was always too ashamed to be so lazy that I procrastinated the hell out of getting the college stuff started so I did it. Now I'm procrastinating a PhD. I mean, think of all the things I've actually accomplished in spit of the procrastination!!!! He had done so much already, at a mere 27 (which seemed old then, god help me). And now, I look around the little nest he's built for me, with my cute black kitty cat meowing at me, and King of the Hill seeming like it is saying something intense.

Okay. I'm pretty sure it IS the Merlot.

But I love you guys.

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