Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Keep Going

Jeannine was saying that I should get rid of my blog cause I haven't written in it in a while. Well, nah, I think I'll keep it, cause now and then I still feel like posting something here. I'm working today on downloading photos from the digital camera for my Boston/Niagara Falls trip, and then the Halloween party the other day. The digital camera is a bit picky on how it likes to do it, and I've tried a couple of times to do it all at once and it keeps crashing the browser. So now I'm doing it something like five photos at a time. Which is a pain in the neck, but working. I've got most of the trip dowloaded and edited now, and I'm going to post the relevant ones to the domestic goddess website, then the rest to a private page for friends & family. :) Ah technology is wonderful. What I think one problem with it is that it sucks the life out of the batteries to do this and the camera turns itself off, so then the computer freaks out. Pffffhhhhttt!! I have to get more batteries now! But since I have to go to the gym soon, it's okay, I'll stop and pick some up.

With Andrew gone, I do have a lot more free time that usually I fill up lying about with him. I do miss my sweet baboo an awful lot-- I'm going to see him this weekend for my birthday. Once the fall semester is over, I will fill up much of this time with my dissertation writing, but I just don't think I can do it now since I have so much other stuff, I do need some downtime.

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