After a few cranky cranky moments, and telling my early presentation students that under my smile I actually looked like the vamps in Buffy just before they eat you, I am feeling a lot better now. It may have had to do with food consumption-- I ate a good breakfast, but man was I cranky anyway! One of my students cleverly bribed me with soy nut snack (her pres was on vegetarianism) and it started to boost my mood. So here is the mental note: apprently, when I am low on protein, I get vampire-y. Good to know. I wrote this in one of my notes while listening to presentations: if I were to rip a student's head off and drink his/her blood, do you think that would affect my chances of one day getting tenure? (Seriously. I think it would actually help it).
Okay, hello, what part of not talking on your cell phone in the computer lab do 1. the student who is having a long conversation NOT understand and 2. the lab techs who are being PAID to monitor things like that NOT understand about their JOB!?!?!?!?!?
Apparently the vamping is not quite over. ::she said, as she slowly pulled each hair out of said rude asshole's head.::
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