Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Crabby Doubts

I'm feeling depressed, cranky, etc today about my potential to finish my dissertation. Up until recently, even though I hadn't been doing a ton of writing, I still felt that I could get it done, if I just sit down at the computer and apply myself. This last couple of days, however, I've begun to entertain the idea of writer's block. I KNOW that it is a pathetic term, and one that is cliched and overused to stand in for lazy, or uninspired, or something. But I'm thinking that's maybe what's wrong with me. I sit down to try to write, something that's always been very easy for me, and what I write sounds like such crap I write a few pages and quit. Or I just stare at what I've already written, loathing it, contemplating life as an aerobics instructor or medical receptionist (it's a growing field, you know, according to all the TV commercials).

So what so what so what. Maybe I should go back & get my teacher certification so I can teach high school. Or ask Dr. B if I can have a full load of classes and if there is any way I can be hired as more than a temporary person. Heavy disheartened sigh.

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