Monday, June 16, 2003


And I don't know why, but mysteriously, parts of my blog archives don't seem to work. Some of them are just fine, but some are apparently just not there. EEEK! I need to figure this out, because what's the point of having a blog if your blog leaves and goes off into cyberspace? ::sigh::

Website I like

Bitch | Feminist Response to Pop Culture
I found this magazine today, while lurking about the Internet looking for useful stuff about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (Yes, it is TOO working on the dissertation.... and I am totally NOT defensive about the Buffy part.) So I am capable of getting distracted by magazines like Bitch (but in a way, not, cause it's about feminism, and the popular sort, kinda, so there).

But anyway. Check it out. I might just have to try to write something for them someday when they post new "we need writers for..." statements. That'd be cool. Plus, I like their name.

And I happen to have written four whole pages on my Buffy chapter. :)

Monday, June 09, 2003


I just wanted to add this here since it was something I just read on Gaiman's website: "the law of Conservation of Cats"-- which basically is if you lose a cat, you will certainly be presented with a new one to take care of. I want to think about that more; but for now, I have other things to do.... it's here to remind me to think.

I wish reminders were always that easy.


Well, I've finally finished the Summer 2003 issue of Women Writers. It's a really great issue-- Lisa Johnson did a wonderful job with the "autotheory" issue. It's our first "special issue" and I'm going to do one for the Winter issue, too, I think. I've got to put out a call for proposals... I really ought to do that now. (thinking of things to say in the call.....)

So now I have absolutely no excuse-- I should be working on the dissertation. I actually have done so this morning by reading this Buffy theory book Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy. It's a good philosphy text; it introduces concepts from basic philosophy in relation to Sunnydale & the Buffyverse. It's already proven very useful in letting me know of the existence of a place where I can get shooting scripts for the most recent season of Buffy, as well as Slayage, the "online journal of Buffy Studies." I already know about Television Without Pity, which is less useful for academic things but really interesting for a look at the popular idea of Buffy + theory & debate. So this is what I'm doing right now. Interesting, huh? And for those of you who think my whole "dissertation" thing is a scam and excuse for me to watch TV, I say "duh."

Anyhoo. Back to the readage. And maybe a nap. I think well when I'm napping-- some of my best papers ever came to me while in the twilight zone between nap & awake-- where the academic muse can find us and we're not distracted by other things. It's hard for her to get out of that Ivory Tower you know.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Drag Queen 2

I just got this email:
"I just want to say I loved the review at amazon .com. I have said for years that I am a drag queen trapped in a straight girl's body. I am also a radical feminist who loves red lipstick. I have just discovered your web site & plan to be a frequent visitor."

Yay! A fan who isn't required to be one by already being a friend of mine! Hee hee. Also, I secretly suspected that there were many drag queens in a woman's body out there. Now I have proof that there are at least two of us. If you are a girl-drag-queen too, write, and we'll form a club or something. Of course, I think a "club" might be entirely too organized a concept for a true drag queen. Maybe form a loose alliance, with territories mapped off, like lion prides.

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