Thursday, April 24, 2003

Friends Losing Touch

I'm feeling really cranky, depressed & out of sorts today. Part of it is that I have an extreme allergy/cold thing going on-- I'm taking antihistimine & stuff to feel better, and probably that's making me feel a little icky. But another part is just the brain working. One of my good friends just had a baby, and in the email to friends to show us pictures of this little cutie was the address of ANOTHER friend with whom I've lost touch over the last couple of years. Part of it was just busy-ness-- or so I figured. We used to work together, and talk a lot via email, and hang out now & then. She had a bunch of busy crazy things happen-- moved to a couple of new cities, got a new job/career. In the midst of that, we sort of stopped corresponding. I had sent her a few things here and there-- party invitations, stuff. And I hadn't heard back, but hadn't really put it to anything serious-- just general busy people syndrome.

I figured for a long time it was only that. But I recently emailed her with the address in the email from the other friend (you with me still? it's convoluted) and haven't gotten anything back. Since I know she's a big online email person who checks her email as much as I do, I suspect that there's something else. I feel a little paranoid, but I also feel like I don't know what I did to lose this person's friendship, which I apparently have. If it were just a matter of losing touch, it would be one thing, but she lives nearby again, and I've tried to keep up the old email thing. But apparently she doesn't want to correspond with me at all, but won't tell me what it is I did to offend, or whatever. I feel a bit like a dork for even caring-- and have decided to not try to get the ball rolling again-- I can, after all, take a hint eventually. But I guess I feel a little like a guy who's been broken up with by a girl and doesn't really know why-- and it bugs me a bit. I have dozens of fabulous friends, I am a lucky person in my friendships and generally, the ones I value hang around a long time. But I think it's just not knowing what the heck happened that bugs me here. I don't remember being weird or anything, or doing something that was mean or whatever. So I guess mulling this over has me feeling a little sad. But hopefully, writing this will get me over it and I'll feel better.

Now if I could just get over the allergy thing and stop feeling so crappy, physically!

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